Acrylic material is a high quality, crystal clear, durable upgrade from styrene plexiglass. It has a harder surface than most other plastics, but is still a bit softer than glass. Acrylic is scratch resistant but not scratch proof so you should take special care when handling or cleaning. Our .090" thick acrylic sheeting arrives covered in a protective blue wrapping. This blue wrap must be peeled off both sides of the acrylic to properly display your framed piece.
Clear Acrylic Sheet
Size: 20x24
Fast and reliable service
The quality of the service and the product was excellent.
Clear Acrylic Sheet - Custom Size
Had a picuture in the attic that I loved with matting and frame but the glass was broken. Finally decided to try and fix it. Since the picture frame was old it was not a standard size. I could not find a replacement that wasn't killing my budget UNTIL I found CraigsFrames. The acrylic sheet looks wonderful and fits perfectly in my 22 by 36 frame. My beautiful picture is now hanging on the wall after all these years!! They were timely and the price was just perfect for my budget!! I would highly recommend!!
Acrylic sheer
Impressive quality
Happy with my order
Plexi was exact size and arrive in perfect condition. Easy ordering. Will order again.